Animal’s home Lapbook with pop up

Picture Book Style Lapbook

Double-V-fold Pop up Lapbook

This lapbook has 8 pages. We tried to classify 1) farm animals that live with humans, 2) flying animals, 3) animals that live underground, and 4) animals in the sea. We needed 4 subfolders and put them together and sew with thread.

We always try to create a fun lapbook that impresses. It was a lot of work to build the pop up part and prepare the drawings to paste but it is one of the lapbooks that we always like to see again.

Page 1

Click the image to enlarge.

All texts are written in Catalan. We translate them into English (text in orange color).

L’àliga fa el seu niu en coves rocalloses i només a vegades als arbres i generalment en una zona més baixa que el seu territori de caça.

The eagle makes its nest in rocky caves and only sometimes in trees and generally in an area lower than its hunting territory.

A casa de la granja, vivim els humans i els animals domèstics com el gos i el gat. L’oreneta fa el seu niu sota els ràfecs.

In the farm house, we live humans and domestic animals like dog and cat. The swallow makes its nest under the eaves.

Els ratolins fan forats el terra per viure-hi. Les abelles viuen en ruscs i s’alimenten del nèctar de les flors, a partir del qual eleboren la mel.

Mice dig holes in the ground to live in it. Bees live in hives and feed on the nectar of flowers, from which they make honey.

Page 2

Els humans tenen cavalls, rucs, vaques, porcs, cabres, galls i gallines, conills i ànecs a la granja.

Humans have horses, donkeys, cows, pigs, goats, roosters and chickens, rabbits and ducks on the farm.

Page 3

El mussol, el rapinyaire nocturn, viuen als petits pobles a les seves rodalies. S’amaguen en llocs foscos de dia.

The owl, the nocturnal raptor, lives in the small towns in its vicinity. They hide in dark places during the day.

Page 4

After page 4, you can turn more pages, but you will see that there are three first pop ups 1, 2, 3 on page 5 and two first pop ups 1 and 2 on page 6.

Page 7

El talp fa forats a terra que en total poden arribar a fer entre 100 i 200 metres. Dins dels túnels hi té un lloc de descans i zones que omple de reserves alimentàries.

The mole makes holes in the ground that can be between 100 and 200 meters in total. Inside the tunnels it has a resting place and areas that it fills with food reserves.

La llúdria viu en caus pràcticament invisibles. La seva presència en un riu és un bon senyal del seu estat, ja que ha de viure en aigues sense contaminació.

The otter lives in practically invisible burrows. Its presence in a river is a good sign of its status, as it must live in unpolluted waters.

Les formigues viuen fent una colònia dins del formiguer. Hi ha una reina, les obreres, les cries i els mascles.

Ants live in a colony inside the anthill. There is a queen, the workers, the young and the males.

Page 8

La tortuga marina és un rèptil. Mengen pops petits, meduses i molluscos i són carnívores. La femella busca platges de sorra on fer la posta dels ous i enterrar-los. Les tortugues marines viuen al mar.

The sea turtle is a reptile. They eat small octopuses, jellyfish and molluscs and are carnivores. The female looks for sandy beaches to lay her eggs and bury them. Sea turtles live in the sea.
